Six Principles of Events in EdCamp Format
All EdCamp events must comply with the following six principles.
Free of Charge
EdCamp events are offered at no cost to attendees. This is a strict condition that guarantees equal opportunities for participation.
EdCamps do not have “supervisors” from the state or business sectors. Everyone can express their thoughts freely, take part in discussions and defend their opinion.
Free Initiative
Everyone can host EdСamp in their area: any local educational department, school, public organization, or informal group of teachers.
The Program Is Created by Participants on the First Day
On the first morning, all participants jointly plan the schedule and session topics. Due to such spontaneity, the event plan meets the participants’ needs to the fullest.
Everyone Can Become a Speaker
If you attend an EdСamp, you have the right to speak there. Everyone can share their experience in а unifying atmosphere.
The “Law of Two Feet”
Attendees decide by themselves which sessions they want to attend and for how long they stay there. This helps to “separate out” irrelevant presentations or those presented in an unappealing form.