We want our kids to be
taught by the best
To ensure this, we offer a wide range of tools: from the unique model of (un)conferences to already popular online Tolokas (gatherings). From our American peers’ experience, we know that EdCamp has become one of the most popular professional development models in some U.S. states. The same holds true for Ukraine. We are sure even more formats will be added in the future.
National (un)conferences by EdCamp Ukraine are our prevalent format of professional development for schoolteachers. Each event follows the “law of two feet”: the participants themselves put together the program and schedule the sessions. After the event, they enjoy its “long tail effect”: follow-up discussions, joint projects, discovery of new ideas and formats for their own professional development.
First National (un)Conference for School Teachers
Second National (un)Conference for School Teachers
Third National (un)Conference for School Teachers
Fourth National (un)Conference for School Teachers
Fifth National (un)Conference for School Teachers
Anti-Crisis National Online EdCamp
National EdCamp Joy !-)
Pre-victory EdCamp about post-victory plans
National EdCamp POINT OF RESILIENCY 2024
Regional (un)conferences or mini-EdCamps have a similar format but are held locally and organized by local educators. EdCamp Ukraine develops and provides them with comprehensive support both in tangible form and otherwise, called EdCamp in a Box program. The biggest value of these events is that they spread knowledge among teachers in the provinces. This is where white crows meet and network.
Show Mini-EdCampsEdCamp in a Box 1.0
EdCamp in a Box 2.0
EdCamp in a Box 3.0
EdCamp in a Box 4.0
EdCamp in a Box 5.0
EdCamp in a Box 6.0
EdCamp in a Box 7.0
EdCamp in a Box 8.0
EdCamp Ukraine’s regional events are coordinated by its most active members. Every two years we hold a special event for regional coordinators — the National Summit.
A meeting in Odesa that took a summit / challenge format and gathered 140 coordinators of all regional events from all the years.
The second national coordinators’ summit is being envisioned and planned.
For many decades Ukrainian teachers have been gathering at large pedagogical conferences in August, just before the start of the school year. They are held on national, regional, district, and school levels. Since 2017, we have been involved in organizing the largest one and turned it into an (un)conference – and now anyone willing can use this format as well. Every year, before educators start the school, we reach out to them with the words of inspiration and support and share some useful tools with them.
The Circle of Mutual Support is a Facebook group where educators ask for assistance and help others. You can receive a piece of advice or practical help with both professional and personal issues; the key is to clearly articulate your request or query. Offering support to those who ask for it is also welcomed. New members can only join through a recommendation of other participants, so the atmosphere of support and trust always prevails in the group.
Join the CircleOnline Tolokas are online versions of (un)conferences that can be attended monthly from home and with no selection criteria. During Tolokas, we talk to celebrities, education experts, government officials, and education practitioners about the most urgent issues in education, share our experiences and doubts, support our colleagues and students, and develop hard and soft skills. Much of a Toloka meeting is discussions, i.e., Q&A sessions online.
Join the tolokasEdCamp Marathon is very much like an online EdCamp but more intensive and gamified, based on teamwork rather than competition. Educators need it to receive support, get encouraged, and, of course, gain opportunities for professional development. Our EdCamp marathon "runners" diagnose their own needs, generate an individual learning path, communicate with mentors, with teaching practitioners, with each other, enjoying this communication and engaging in reflection.
EdCamp Marathon 2020
Join the community of Ukrainian teachers and receive a bonus that will help restore your own resources for big-scale and small-scale accomplishments.
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Keep in mind that the list of issued documents on professional development is published on the website during 15 calendar days after their issuance.
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